Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blogger Police

The blogger police (AKA Shane) informed me I haven't blogged in five days. I will trust his math - lol. I don't want to add up the days.

I am sick. The annoying feel awful, want to whine constantly kind of sick. Tuesday night I told my friend I wished someone would just shoot me - the bad part is I wasn't kidding. I've never heard of anyone drowning on their own mucus, but I have wondered if I would be the first. I have wondered exactly how much mucus can one person make (sorry for being gross, but . . .). Apparently it is a lot.

I have a friend whose Mom is dying from cancer unless a miracle happens and another friend whose nephew who has been in the hospital for over a year fighting cancer - the fight is not going so well right now. I feel guilty complaining about a cold/sinus illness when people I know of are fighting for their lives. I tried to make myself feel better by reminding myself how much worse it can be. It didn't work.

There is a fact in life. While sometimes looking at others can help us correct our perspective, knowing that other people have problems worse than ours doesn't make ours go away.

That's my deep thought for the day. I need to take some more medicine and escape to some needed rest.

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